Creating Kids Content for Youtube — ATB PRODUCTIONS


Ai Infused Video Production with a Blue-Collar Work Ethic

Creating Kids Content for Youtube

So, I have a 6 Year old daughter who loves watching Youtube, especially videos that I have no idea why she watches them. She will watch kids play with dolls with no storyline, watch people play with slime, play video games, and she wants me to watch them with her. Being in the video business and loving creating, I have this reluctancy to push making content on my daughter, in fact, anytime I do have an idea for a video or want to create with her, she absolutely shuts it down. So, when she asked if she could make a video where she opens her Christmas presents from her Aunt, “Make-It-Minis”. I was stoked. Did I use one of the many 4K cinema cameras I own? Nope, went with the iphone 12. Mic? 8 Bucks off of Temu (I should have use a real mic). I thought she did amazing considering she would not take direction, but in the end didn’t really need anything, on camera talent portion of the video came naturally to her as she has watched countless of other videos. She asked people to “comment below” and “subscribe” unprompted. I questioned my parenting as what have I created???

Here is what I learned.

- EDIT FAST - In the internet world, there is no fat. Cut it all out. Jump cuts dont matter, just keep hitting them with what next. This is a complete 180 from what I’ve implemented over the years, as a editor, you want to be unseen. You typically don’t want the audience to feel the edit, maybe in a music video you do, but often you want the audience lost in the story instead of technique. But here, it doesnt matter, cut away, but do it fast.

- IT’S ALL ABOUT THE TALENT - People watch people who are engaging, my daughter watches Unspeakable, and she’ll watch them do whatever, she even watches them watch other videos. If the talent is engaging so will the video.

- Thumbnails - I’m definitely still learning how to craft a good thumbnail, but that tried and true Youtube Style is so key to them clicking.

- Have Fun - I couldn’t be more happy to do what I love with who I love. We don’t have followers, we don’t have views, but we have memories. My favorite part is watching it back with her a few weeks or months after we shoot. It’s such an amazing feeling.

Joseph MalinskiComment